Chemineer's sanitary mixers offer a variety of design configurations, materials and options needed to meet critical sanitary mixing applications and ensure the highest level of sanitary mixing. Chemineer also offers a wide variety of precision-engineered, high-performance impeller options.
With Chemineer sanitary mixers, cleanability counts as all mixing surfaces promote the free draining of liquids. Chemineer has combined their thorough understanding of fluid mixing dynamics with current ASME-BPE guidelines to build robust, high quality mixers. With mixing volumes from 10 - 40,000 liters and the ability to custom size mixers to suit your requirement, Chemineer has a mixing solution for all of your sanitary needs.
Greerco sanitary pipeline mixers and colloid mills are expertly designed for precision high-efficiency and cost-effective performance. The unique axial-in, axial-out flow configuration of the pipeline mixers provides intense hydraulic and shear forces. The colloid mill is a high-speed, high-shear mixer capable of batch or in-line processing. It offers a number of sealing and mounting options to meet the needs of any pharmaceutical, biotechnology, cosmetic or food processing application. Both products come standard with 316 SS wetted parts and sanitary ferrule connections.
Kenics static mixers provide the highest level of purity and have a self-cleaning element design. The process fluid is completely mixed, eliminating gradients in temperature, velocity, or concentration. Kenics static mixers are available with 316 LSS construction, sanitary ferrule connections, and 3A certified design/construction.
Kenics heat exchangers offer maximum heat transfer for highly viscous, difficult-to-process materials while allowing uniform heat history, eliminating thermal degradation and reducing fouling. These sanitary heat exchangers are completely customized to fit your needs and are built in accordance with TEMA and ASME codes of construction.