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SIDERMES produces a broad range of  SUPERTEMP Chromel (Ni-Cr alloy)/Alumel (Ni-Al alloy) 

immersion thermocouples, K-type thermocouples used to measure non-ferrous melted metal 

in all possible applications; the SUPERTEMP thermocouples of type S may also be used.

Upon request, the metal overcap may be supplied in steel, aluminum, copper or bronze.

The SIDERMES immersion thermocouples are produced in accordance with quality standard 

ISO 9001:2008.

They are compatible and interchangeable with the most widespread connection and 

instrument systems on the market. 

In addition to the traditional thermocouples, SIDERMES supplies special thermocouples 

constructed with non-splash material in order to avoid splashes and turbulence during immersion thereby increasing operator safety and quality.